EUR/USD Forex Trading Report | Technical Analysis | Updated for 12.28.2023


Based on the latest currency market data, this forex analysis aims to supply daily insight into the trading performance of the EUR/USD currency pair as of December 28, 2023. It covers daily, weekly, and monthly movement changes, the weekly correlation with the FGC Dollar Indicator (our Proprietary US Dollar Forex Indicator), the trading condition, and predictive trading ranges.

Analyzing Forex Market Sentiment

  • Percentage Changes:
    • Day-Over-Day Change: A decrease of 0.38% from the previous day.
    • Week-Over-Week Change: An increase of 1.10% over the past week.
    • Month-Over-Month Change: A modest increase of 1.04% over the past month.
  • Analyzing Currency Correlation in Forex Trading
    • Weekly Correlation vs. FGC Dollar Indicator: A strong negative correlation at -0.9805.
  • Trading Condition:
    • Trading Condition: EUR/USD trading conditions shifted from ‘Overbought’ to ‘Neutral,’ indicating a possible trend battle between bulls and bears, leading to increased forex volatility.
  • Key Support/Resistance Levels:
    • Lower Extreme: 1.0977
    • Lower Level: 1.1013
    • Mid-Level: 1.1050
    • Upper Level: 1.1086
    • Upper Extreme: 1.1123
  • Predictive Trading Range Probabilities:
    • Upper Range (59.22% Chance): Less Than or Equal to 1.1058
    • Mid-Range (46.16% Chance): Less Than or Equal to 1.1046
    • Lower Range (25.48% Chance): Less Than or Equal to 1.1026

Forex Trading Strategies for Volatile Markets

  • Short-Term Downturn: The day-over-day decrease suggests a cooling off after recent bullish trends, potentially indicating a short-term correction.
  • Sustained Growth: Despite the daily drop, the week-over-week and month-over-month growth remain positive, supporting a potential continued upward trend.
  • Shift to Neutral Condition: The change to a ‘Neutral’ trading condition reflects a stabilization in market sentiment, possibly reducing the likelihood of extreme price movements.
  • Potential Forex Trading Considerations:
    • The key levels suggest that 1.1050 (Mid-Level) could function as a crucial area for currency traders using pivot points in their forex trading analysis for short-term trading strategies.
    • The predictive trading range indicates a higher likelihood (59.22%) of moving below 1.1058, pointing to potential resistance near this level.
    • The probability of the pair dropping below 1.1026 (25.48% chance) suggests that this level may serve as a moderate support.

Currency Market News and Upcoming Economic Data                 

Release Date (12.29.2023):

Conclusion: The EUR/USD pair shows a slight decline from the previous day but maintains an overall positive trend over the week and month. The shift to a ‘Neutral’ condition and the strong negative correlation with the FGC Dollar Indicator remain key technical factors for traders to consider with their currency trading strategies and emphasize the importance of risk management in forex trading. The predictive trading range probabilities provide insights into potential resistance and support levels, which stays crucial for traders in formulating their strategies and developing sound forex trading psychology in this dynamic market environment.

Risk Disclosure: Trading financial instruments such as but not limited to off-exchange foreign currencies (forex), cryptocurrency (cryptocurrencies), Futures, ETFs, Equities and Indexes contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones’ financial security or lifestyle. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading.

Trade at your Own Risk:  Read Full Risk Disclosure @\

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